ice cream will do

11/06/2006 Edit This 0 Comments »
Yesterday's post, I was talking about how my husband reads my mind. That reminds me a lot about how David reads my mind all the time. Well, I know he doesn't know how to read my mind. But Holy spirit does share with David what is in my mind.

The first year in our marriage sometimes is not easy. We have some different opinions on different things. And we have different way to solve problems. Sometimes, we have some argument . And in many arguements don't have a answer for who is right or who is wrong.

One day while David was driving, we had a small argument about something (I forget what is it) and right the way he asked me to forgive him. But I didn't want to forgive him. (Well, the things we are argue about, it wasn't a big matter. But I am childish sometimes) So I tell to God in my heart... " McDonald's icecream will do." (David doesn't know) Then David turn his car around. I asked him, where is he going? He say to me, he forget his wallet; he needs to go home and get it. Because someone wants McDonald's icecream. ( I am not the icecream person. I probably would only have icecream from McDonald's 2 times a year.)

Then I start to laugh. I asked him how he know? David say to me he doesn't know what to do, so he asked God. Then Holy Spirit told him,

昨天的部落裡, 我分享我的丈夫有時會知道我在想甚麼。讓我想起一些過去的經驗 很多關於他怎樣知道我的心思意念。嗯, 我知道他不會讀我的心思意念啦。但聖靈會與他分享我的心思意念。

在我們剛結婚的第一年有時不太容易。我們對不同的事都免不了有一些不同的觀點。而且我們都會不同的方式解決問題。有時, 我們有一點小爭執 。並且在許多小爭執裡是沒有完全的 誰對或誰是錯的。

有一天日 大為開著車, 我們有一小小的爭執 (我忘記是關於甚麼事) 他很快的要求我原諒他。但我不想原諒他。(嗯, 我們的小爭執, 不不是甚麼大事情。但我有時就是孩子氣) 因此在我心裡我告訴對神說... "除非他買麥當勞冰淇淋給我吃。" (大衛不知道我跟神說甚麼) 可是他突然把他的車迴轉。我問他, 他要去那? 他對我說, 他把錢包放在家裡; 他必需要回家拿。因為 有人想要吃麥當勞冰淇淋(我不是特別愛吃冰淇淋。我一年大概只會吃個2 次麥當勞冰淇淋吧。)

然後我開始笑。我問他怎麼會知道? 大為對我說 他不知道什麼做, 因此他就問上帝。然後聖靈告訴他 麥當勞冰淇淋,

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